

Savannah is surrounded by creeks that flow to rivers that flow to the ocean. Living in the City, we don’t see the rivers and oceans every day, yet we are still connected to them and to the plants and wildlife living in them.

We may not hear the otter munching an oyster, but our pet’s waste left on the ground impacts the safety of that oyster. We may not see the turtle eating jellyfish, but our plastic litter looks like food and injures them. We may not see the shrimp boat working the estuary, but many of us enjoy what the nets bring in! The price we pay for our wonderful local seafood depends, in large part, on the quality of the water.



Conserving water by transforming lawns with natives and water-saving plants

Paint Disposal

Paint Disposal

Resource guide on properly
disposing of your unused paint

Storm Drain Art

Storm Drain Art

Local artists promoting awareness and protection of Savannah’s waterways


Save money and conserve water by applying for water-saving upgrades